Thursday, August 2, 2007


I'm a slacker. I read everybody's awesome blogs but get lazy and don't write anything in my own. Of course I don't have anything cool to say 'cause I don't go to little kids baseball games and get in fights with 400 pd women like WinTwins or go to Chitown and run into strange people like LGM, but hey, I did stay at a holiday express last night. Those have got to be the most fucking retarded commercials EVER and they play them all the time.

Anyways....whats new with me...well Big Brother is on 3 days a week so that takes up a lot of my time. For anybody that watches the show, if I knew anybody like Evil Dick I would cut his balls off and shove them in his mouth so that he can't word vomit anymore. He's such an ass.

Last week I dog sat 2 puppies from wiemeraner hell. My best friend thought it would be cool if we collectively dog sat them because I work when she's home and she works when I'm home. The problem with this theory is that the dogs sleep all fucking night long with her and then I don't get a bit of sleep during the day. The other problem is that they get up 4 or 5 times a night because with my dogs and hers we had 4 wiemeraners in the house and when one moves, they all move and all don't have to go potty at the same time. So I have to get up with them when I don't work and I have to worry when I am at work because Jenny sleeps like the DEAD! I came home from work Monday morning to 1 dog in my sunroom and 3 outside. Thinking to myself "fuck Jenny you were so tired you coudln't even open the door for all 4 dogs" until I turn the corner and see that the dog had climbed in through the top sunroom window. Now how Jenny did not hear this commotion as Sterling ripped the screen, ripped the blinds, tore down the curtain rod is beyond me. I also now have about 5 holes being dug to China that are big enough to fit 1 wiemeraner and 2 mini wiener dogs right now that I have to fill in. I also lost two window well covers and a 2 gallon dog watering dish thingy. All in all it was nothing less than a hellish week. Oh yeah, and I also got jumped on so many times that I think I will never be able to have children. I'm also glad that my knee survived the week although it is still extrememly sore from getting pounced on. At least the wieners went to grammas house. Well they kinda HAD to because Basco attacked one of the puppies about 10 minutes after they got there and I had to peel his jaws apart to get him off. But I am so glad to be back to only having my big lug Jase and angry at life Basco. Jase is learning "shake" but he thinks he should paw the food out of my hand instead of shake with my empty hand. He's not the top of his class let me tell ya. Of course he's better than Basco is just too stubborn to learn anything.

So in other news, my brother had his second kid on Wednesday morning. Don't get excited in saying it's so exciting to be an aunt because I've been one since I was 9 (old brothers). Anyways, he named it Larry LaVern III. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!? Like you need two Larry's in a house. We called my bro "Luke" his whole life because there were two Larry's in the house until my dad died when Luke was 14, but when he went to college everybody called him Larry so now everybody calls him Larry. In fact I called his house before he was married to his wife and she answered and when I asked for Luke she said, "you have the wrong number." Anyways, JR's I'm okay with, but the 3rd? Of course the fact that he never liked it when anybody found out his middle name was LaVern you'd think he'd consider that when naming his children. The first one got a normal name "Drew" so why torture the second one?!? He wants a girl really bad I think and was damn sure it was going to be one so perhaps they didn't have any names picked out? He's very unprepared and always thinks he's right so that could very well be the case. I've got a whole list of names I want to name my kids. Of course they are going to end up being my dogs names because I will probably never have kids, but whatever.

So yeah, like I was saying, nothing is happening with me. I'll try to cut down on the swearing next entry. I've been swearing like a sailor lately...probably because I watch Brewers baseball.


LetsGoMavs said...

Does your brother not love his baby?!?!

You're crazy to have that many dogs in your house. I could never do it. ONE dog drives me nuts!!

Nin said...

My brother doesn't always think about what he's doing. The bad part is, he's not the dumb one of the family. Even though dumb ones in the family named their kids a decent name though (Heather and Emily) so I guess he just dropped down a notch in the order of family dumbness. I'm at the way top of course because I will always be the smartest.

And I will NEVER EVER dog sit again. Not that I wanted to in the first place but it was a fucking mess, especially when it rained one day. But I love my two dogs that just sleep all day and chew on bones when they aren't sleeping. What kind of a dog is Backes?

Thirdly, it's nice to hear from you to know you're not involved in the bridge collapse. Can we assume WinTwins is okay as well?

LetsGoMavs said...

Backes is a Boston Terrier.

Yep, both WT and I are fine. Thus far I haven't heard of anyone I know...or anyone that I know who knows anyone on the bridge. That's just scary!

Anonymous said...

Nin, I'm fine, thanks for thinking of me. You are a saint to deal with so many dogs at one time. The more I think I want a dog, the more I hear of these shenanigans and realize I like my house, shades, yard, etc the way they are! :) Oh, and spending time around Backes, as I am this weekend in Kato helps too! He's a cutie because I don't live with him!!

Nin said...

Saint? No, I just am one of those people who can't say no to people when they ask for something. Most of the time I don't mind, but sometimes it's just too much. Dogs aren't that bad and since Backes is a Boston Terrier it isn't like he's gonna dig a big hole or rip down too many shades! The thing is, if you train the dog right you don't have issues. I don't have issues with my two dogs at all. They are good 99.9% of the time and that other .1% when they aren't good the only thing that gets ruined in my ability to sleep because they want to go in and out a lot. But considering you're allergic to dogs I'm gonna say getting one probably isn't the best idea, but if you ever do, just make sure to train it right and you will have no problems.