Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hockey is around the corner....NOW WITH LINKS AS REQUESTED

Go to My Sports Blog to see the rundown on everything for the Badgers I wrote. The departed, the returning, the newbies, and my team predictions.

Some added on from that is my predictions for the WCHA for the season in which I will not put there because it is nothing but based on my liking of the other teams combined with how well I think they will do. For instance, I love Mankatos jerseys and want them to do well so they are a lot higher than most people would put them.

So here they are:
1. Sioux
Lets face it, their entire team is returning

2. Wisconsin
I'm bias and hanging my hopes on Turris, Street, and Connelly.

3. Gophers
LGM is getting her ass kicked for being a secondary fan of this god forsaken team BUT they are good I just hate them

4. Pioneers
They always have a decent team so I can't fault them too much. I have no quams with Denver as of right now or else they'd be under Duluth.

5. Mavericks
I don't care if Mankato was as bad as the Seawolves, they would still hit 5 with me because I completely love their jerseys. I like them so much I would probably wear one if I went to a Badgers/Maverick game in Mankato (just to ensure not to get anything thrown at me and because they are cool looking)

6. Huskies (St. Cloud)
Is it bad that I had to look up their mascot because I forgot what they were? That tells you how much I like them.They have kinda cool uniforms though. Better than Gophers at least. WT wins extra points above LGM for liking the Huskies more than the Gophers, but since she doesn't like hockey like the rest of us they are about even.

7. Bulldogs
I have nothing against Duluth they just aren't that great of a hockey team usually. They have a cool mascot though.

8. Huskies (MT)
I just have a lot against Michigan. Long story and no I won't go into it. I have a hard time liking anything in Michigan at all because I am bias against the entire damn state.

9. Tigers
I just hate CC and I hope they suck. Go Denver!

10. Seawolves
They just aren't really ever good. And the recent feud on RWD comment with Donald has made them fall to 10th place because before that they were tied with the Tigers. Not really that was a complete lie, they were always 10th on my list. What are Seawovles anyways? Seriously, I've never heard of one and I think of myself as cultured....sometimes.

Sidenote: If you look on the USCHO standing we're all number 1. That's how it should be, we are all winners. Until the puck hits the ice that is.

Next on the agenda....numbers. Why do players feel they need to change their freakin' numbers after their freshman year? Seriously, no wonder I can't remember who is what number until 3 games into the season. Grr. Some peoples children, I'm tellin' ya. How do they expect me to remember who they are if they change their numbers all the time. Except Street, he can change his (he didn't) all he wants but he'll just have to take his shirt off completely for me so I can tell who it is.

And onward...
My early nominees for the All Hottie teams are in. It might change after I see them up close and personal so these are just a hint at who they might be and who to look for/at when WI is in town. And I have came to the conclusion that the Badgers need to find better times to take pictures of theses guys. Most of them look like it was just after practice and they threw a suit coat on them and snapped it.

Has the guy next door look

Has one of those cute squishy faces

Has the hard ass military look

Has the pretty boy look

Doesn't really have a look he's just hot. But his picture doesn't do him justice.

Has the boy next door look but his picture is also horrible. He sure has a nice set of abs and great muscle tone all over.

As long as he doesn't smile goofy he's pretty cute

He'll never see ice time but he's good looking.

A freshman but he is cute and has blonde hair and blue eyes which for me isn't my typical liking.

The guys that never had or ever will have a chance to make the hottie team:

He looks like a caveman

Troll comes to mind, but that isn't right. I don't know how to describe it.

I have a goal this year of getting a picture of every player that I think should be eligible for the hottie team and post it so that voters on RWD's site can really get a good look at them.


LetsGoMavs said...

Nin- you've got to link the player's picture with your comments so we have quick access to the faces you're talking about!!

Good argument on why the Mavs will finish higher than others are expecting. I like the jerseys too!

Are you making the road trip to Kato when the Badgers are in town?

Nin said...

I was having some issues with linking. You're lucky you got the one to my other blog. Next time I will be sure to link to the pictures though but next time they are gonna have good pictures damn it.

I know my argument for the Mavs has to be one of the best arguments ever made for a team. I don't think the WCHA or pairwise rankings are going to take the jersey idea into consideration.

I am planning on trippin' to Mankato, BUT a guy where I work (the client not my company) is getting fired and I might be able to push my way into that job and if that happens I will have to work 12 hours shifts on Fri, Sat, and Sun (shitty I know) and therefore wouldn't be able to. But I'm also not holding my breath and beyond that I'm unlucky. So yeah, I'll be in Mankato.

Anonymous said...

NIN! You have my Huskies finishing SIXTH?? Geez!! As for the Jersey argument, SCSU has awesome jerseys. I bought one last year and it's really cool!! Just tell me you picked sixth because you don't know the Huskies well or because you have something against that type of dog, not because you think Jase is going to suck. I can't handle that bullshit anymore!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and just because I like baseball more than hockey doesn't mean it's not offensive to say my love of the Huskies is "about equal" to LGM's liking the Goofs!! That's blasphemy! The Gophers SUCK!!! Yuck!! LGM is off her rocker for being a secondary Goof fan! :) I like her and still hang out with her DESPITE this affliction!! :)

Nin said...

You are right Huskies jerseys are cool too,and I have nothing against Huskies. Actually when I read your comment I had to look back because I couldn't believe I put them that low. And I don't think Jase is going to suck 'cause he has a cool name (it's my dogs name) so therefore he is going to rock because my dog rocks. I honestly don't really know much about many teams other than the badgers until I gets into the season and I begin watching all the scores and all the teams. I don't even know how many returning players, etc. SCSU has. I only know Bulldogs, Mavs, and ND because I read their blogs!!

And you're right, you may be a bit in front of LGM because her secondary team is the Goofs, even if you like baseball more. Maybe you should stop hanging out with her and she'll change her team?!?

Anonymous said...

Like give her an ultimatum? I'm going to withhold my friendship until you give up the Gophs?? And I'm cool as hell, so that would be a hardship for her! Good idea Nin!

I'll talk more about the Huskies starting next week. I made a commitment to myself to focus only on baseball till the season's over. Once I get back from my trip, I'll change over to hockey and try to get you up to speed on the Huskies. They may well finish 6th, who knows? It kind of hinges on goaltending (two sophomores and a freshman) and how well our underclassmen can do. We lost a few good players, a couple not so good players, and our goaltender Bobby. So, it could be good or bad. We shall see!! :)

I prefer to be more hopeful than most of the loser SCSU fans out there re: Jase (our goalie) and this teams ability to score, but I was hopeful that this year's Twins team could get it done too. Time will tell!