Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I know, I know, I haven't been on here in forever. Ya'll probably stopped checking to see if I was alive. I get sidetracked easy (usually by video games). Lately I've been busy as all get out though. My boss quit a month ago and of course they hire a new guy 2 days prior to her last day which obviously does not give her time to train him. So guess who gets to train the new guy?!?! You're truely. And guess who trained my boss when she started....yup, Me again. And now you're asking, well why didn't they promote you to it? Well I can answer that for ya, although it's a long story. Here is the shortened version of it. This time I just didn't apply for it because last time before our female boss was hired I applied because I had been doing the job for our boss at that time because he was a lazy ass mofo that didn't want to do anything other than have an affair (they are just best friends say them) with the secretary. Anyways, so I applied and thought I had a great interview and everything. I guess I didn't. I found out I didn't get hired for it by calling my boss one morning and he said he was on his way to work. I asked why because he was never at work before noon and he said, "well I have to train the girl taking my spot." Nice way to find out you didn't get the job that you had been doing for the last year. So then he trains her for 2 weeks but she doesn't learn anything other than how to flirt with the receptionist so she calls me the day of her first day alone and says, "I know you are upset over not getting this job but I also know that you know everything about this place so could you please train me on something other than flirting." And of course I'm nice so I did it. We became more friends than her being my boss but that was cool. Not getting promoted was the reason I switched to nights so I didn't have to deal with people anymore. I also finished out my week on days and went into the main office to turn in payroll and the general manager (head of the madison branch that interviewed me and I actually had a friendly relationship with or so I thought) called me into his office and told me that I had the worst interview ever, I am too young, and that I live too far away from Madison and to never ever apply for a position again because he was mad and would never promote me. (flirty boss lived 20 minutes further than I did and now the new boss lives even further than him). At any rate, I got fucked out of the job. So I didn't bother applying this time and the female boss says, "well the general manager asked why you didn't apply. I told him I didn't know" my response was of course that he had told me never to apply for anything again. and she says, "I know you told me that and I kind of mentioned it/hinted to him about it and he said that he doesn't remember saying it. But I am quite she he probably did." In so little words, our general manager is an ass and only does what is good for him and he always says he knows he treats people like shit. Great, grand, wonderful, now why would I apply again?!? Anyways, so this new guy doesn't know how to use any microsoft office applications, types with two fingers, and doesn't understand the schedule. What? Yeah, you heard me. He's a dumbass, one that lives in Green Bay to boot. Like he's going to be able to be on call. Nice. So I have been training him and doing the schedule and payroll for him for the last 2 weeks because he dind't have time to learn the schedule/payroll system (it's on paper, not that hard) but whatever. So tomorrow I am giving it up to him (I hope) and I will have time to do whatever I want again. Though this new guys is kind of a jackass so I am not sure I"ll be able to have my computer at work anymore or anything like that. We'll see.

In other news, I've officially played Oblivion for 170+ hours now. I really wish those motherfucking games didn't tell you how long you're actually spent playing them. Why can't they just save and say, "saved at 06:32AM" just so I know when the last save was. I don't want to know I've spent more hours playing a game than there are in an entire week. So I'll play more when I get home tomorrow. Only 1 1/2 months until Guitar Hero III comes out, and only 3 weeks until Halo 3 is out. I gotta finish Obvilion quickly here. I only have 5 more Oblivion Gates to close though.


LetsGoMavs said...

Seriously..back away from the video games!! You are addicted. Admitting it is the first step.

Sounds like a crap deal at work. Didn't you say you work security? Get out of that job quick! Security sucks, has crap benefits, and I've never known anyone who's happy working it. You deserve better than that!

Nin said...

Crap benefits? Any at all would be nice!!

I'm addicted I know....but they are my sanity. Sounds right doesn't it? Killing aliens=sanity. Maybe I should re-evaluate!

LetsGoMavs said...

My friend jumped from the security boat (after working it for 5 years) and switched to a jail and he couldn't be happier. I'm amazed at the crap security pays, the way most companies treat people, and their lack of benefits. Lame.

Did you go to school in Madison? What's your degree in?

Nin said...

I have a degree in computer service which I finished the semester after 9/11 happened. Needless to says it wasn't the time for computer jobs. And then I got a criminal justice degree. I have no idea what I want to do. I'm too nice to work in a jail. I don't want piss and shit thrown at me. I've applied to be a 911 operator about 32 times though 'cause I do wanna do that. Or I want to be a lawyer but I can't afford to and don't want to spend another 6 years in school.

LetsGoMavs said...

Working in a larger jail isn't so bad. Being nice wears off QUICK!! :)

You went to UW then in Madison? Badger true and true?

Nin said...

I didn't go to Madison so no I'm not a Badger true and true. I was just born and raised in WI so I always followed the Badgers. I did graduate from the UW system, just not Madison.

Nin said...

Oh...and nice for me doesn't wear off at all. Trust me. I've been dragged through the dirt by people but I still think they will change and am still friends with them because I'm just too damn nice. I only wish it would wear my personal life and professional life. I'd say slap me or something to wake me up, but I'm too nice to care.